Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jenni has Two Buns in the Oven!

     I know I've said it, but I love being able to photograph my family including obviously my children, but also my sister and her family. My sister unfortunately has fertility issues. Her daughter, Paige is now 3 and was their first little miracle using IVF. In December they had the last IVF treatment they were going to do before trying a different method. I was praying for multiples and I remember when Jenni called me to tell me the news... Identical Twins.  I was so happy for her and I have to admit a little bit of a "I KNEW IT" moment. She is due to have her identical girls in September! I have to admit while taking my beautiful Sister's pictures I got emotional and a little misty eyed! There are people that you wonder why would God give this couple the misfortune of fertility issues, when some people get pregnant so easily get pregnant! Maybe it us more grateful for the little ones in our life, whatever the reason behind why some people's ease and troubles getting pregnant I was overjoyed that my sister was not only pleased with a second pregnancy, but also that she was having twins. I am already a proud auntie and my heart is surely going to do a lot of growing come September! SO EXCITED!

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